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A fresh, new textbook specifically tailored to the needs of the Ordinary Level student.
- Paper 1 and 2 comprehensively covered
- Simple straightforward Irish used
- No off-course material included
- Clear and uncomplicated presentation with exam tips throughout
- Prose and poetry accompanied by a simplified version of the text in Irish
- Prescribed reading passages included with English sound equivalents to aid reading
- Full coverage of the oral exam with sample topics and questions
- Ready-reference cover flaps contain key vocabulary, phrases, themes and questioning words
- Online testing for homework and revision will be available for this textbook on the website
PUBLISHER: Gill Education
ISBN: 9780717147175
School Level: Secondary
Class: Leaving Certificate
Subject: Irish
Publication Date: May 2010
Author(s): Elaine Mullins and Peadar Ó Ceallaigh