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FIMO Creative Kits are perfect for children who want to create their own toy figures by themselves, to explore their imagination and unleash creativity.
Instructions are explained in a series of child friendly step-by-step guides and easy-to-understand illustrations.
With this particular 10 piece set, your child can create cute, colourful ponies and form their own creative play world.
The clay to be moulded is super soft and an easy to use formula. Once the toy figure is perfected, simply bake in the oven at 110 degrees for 30 minutes.
This Set Contains:
- 4 x 42g super soft, oven-hardening dough
- Motif roller with 2 motif drums ‘Horseshoe/Wall’
- 1 play sheet and 1 step-by-step instructions
- 1 modelling stick and 1 direction for use